### Average Task Value Twelve participants completed three learning tasks. In each task the goal was to learn cue-response mappings for six cues. The cues were various coloured shapes. The possible responses were left ('d' key) or right ('k' key). There were two types of cues. Low-value cues had a feedback validity of 0.5 (i.e., a coin toss). High-value cues had a feedback validity of 0.8 (80% chance of a win if the correct action was chosen). The low-value task contained only low-value cues. The high-value task contained only high-value cues. The mid-value task contained three low-value cues and three high-value cues. Participants completed 144 trials of each task. Preprint: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.16.460600 Analysis code: https://github.com/chassall/averagetaskvalue