Visit the [project website]( for more. The dataset is composed by 3 subjects, scanned at the Imaging Centre of Excellence (ICE) at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow (UK). The full database consists of 142 out-of-the-scanner volumes obtained with a MP2RAGE sequence at 0.63 mm3 isotropic resolution, using a 7-Tesla MRI scanner with 32-channel head coil. These data serve as testing dataset for the paper: Svanera, M., Benini, S., Bontempi, D., & Muckli, L. (2020). CEREBRUM-7T: fast and fully-volumetric brain segmentation of out-of-the-scanner 7T MR volumes. bioRxiv. For every subject, two folders are provided, containing: anat/ * INV1 * INV2 * UNI_Images (T1w) derivatives/ * manual annotations of 8 regions of widely interest in neuroscience early visual cortex (EVC) high-level visual areas (HVC) motor cortex (MCX) cerebellum (CER) hippocampus (HIP) early auditory cortex (EAC) brainstem (BST) basal ganglia (BGA) * automatic segmentation by FreeSurfer (v6 and v7) * automatic segmentation by Fracasso16 * automatic segmentation by our method (CEREBRUM7T) with probability maps (CEREBRUM7T_probMap) * automatic segmentation by nighres * labels used for training our method Project: [link]( Code: [link]( Paper: [link]( Full dataset: [link](