1.1.1 2022-02-18 - - Add bem/ folders in freesurfer-7.1.1 derivatives for all subjects, except sub-05 and sub-15, to serve the EEG pipeline tutorial of CMP3. The bem/ folder contains all files generated by MNE to describe the Boundary Element Model (BEM) based on Freesurfer's surfaces estimated from the original undefaced T1w scans. - - Update REAME and CHANGES. - - Removal of old cmp-v3.0.0-beta-RC1 derivatives, for which connectome pickle files have been generated with Python 2.7. 1.1.0 2022-02-15 - Update README and run_cmp3.sh in code/ConnectomeMapper-Docker to use connectomemapper v3.0.3. - Upload of new cmp-v3.0.3 and freesurfer-7.1.1 derivatives taken as input the defaced structural MRIs. - Update dataset_description.json with information about scientific data paper, link, and citation. 1.0.3 2021-12-06 - Correction of electrodes location in EEGLab .set files, now consistent with the coregistration files in Cartool. 1.0.2 2021-07-27 - Add raw EEG data in .bdf format - Review organization and naming of EEG derivatives data to make it more BIDS-ish. - Improve code and associated documentation 1.0.1 2021-03-11 - Review dataset informations and add two new .mat files in EEGLab derivatives. 2020-10-11 Initial upload of raw and cmp-derived MRI data. 2020-14-12 Update with defaced raw and cmp-derived MRI data. 2020-14-12 Upload of EEG data. 2021-03-02 Upload of MRIQC derivatives for quality assessment of T1w MRI data. 2021-04-02 Update main README, CHANGES and dataset_description.json.