This is the data used for the following study: Folders are organized in BIDS format. Within each subject folder (e.g. /sub-01/) there are subfolders with the following: Ses-first/ a) beh - Behavioral results from first session outside the scanner conditioning (event.tsv) - Instrumental conditioning - Pavlovian Conditioning - Hedonic evaluation of stimuli ses-second/ 1) anat - structural whole brain T1-weighted (T1w) images (isotropic voxel size = 1.0 mm) defaced & whole brain reference functional image (WBref or sbref) 2) func - contains the preprocessed (unsmoothed) BOLD timeseries (26 partial oblique axial T2*weighted EPI) with its associated behavioral data (event.tsv) used for the analysis. - PIT task, with odors as stimuli and uses a hand dynamo-meter to measure mobilized effort. - HEDONIC task, with odors as stimuli and uses visual analog scales to measure subjective liking and intensity ratings. 3) fmap - Dual gradient B0 field maps (Fmaps) Please note that these folder contain the preprocessed (unsmoothed) BOLD timeseries and behavioral data used for the analysis. You can find the raw functional MRI data into the /SOURCEDATA/brain/BIDS/ and behavioral data into /SOURCEDATA/behav/ subfolder. Also note that not all participants finished all tasks, or scans. See paper for a description.