Overview ======== Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) has opened the door to brain mapping of perceptual, motor, or cognitive functions. As such, it provides an instrumental basis for the whole field of cognitive neuroimag- ing. However, there exists to date no data collection that systematically maps representations for a wide-variety of mental functions at a fine spa- tial scale. The Individual Brain Charting (IBC) project is collecting a high-resolution multi-task-fMRI dataset, to provide an objective basis for a comprehensive atlas of brain responses. The data refer to a cohort of twelve participants performing many different tasks. Acquiring a large amount of tasks on the same subjects yields a precise mapping of the underlying functions, free from both inter-subject and inter-site variabil- ity. Additionally, the dataset comes with high-resolution anatomical and diffusion images, to achieve a fine anatomical characterization of these brains. Dataset content overview ======================== This is an overview of the dataset content. More information and updates are available at http://project.inria.fr/IBC/ The data in release 1 are organized as follows: ./task*.json: Descritpion of the tasks used in this release ./participants.tsv Description of the participants ./sub-XX subject directories ./sub-XX/ses-YY session directories Note that there are many sessions per subject and that the session are numbered according to acquisition date, which yields different actual acquisitions depending on the subjects. The data are thus much better by the MRI file names, than by session id. Session directories comprise the following subdirectories: * anat/ for T1w-, T2w- and flair image * dwi/ for diffusion-weighted data * fmap/ for field maps * func/ for functional data Note that diffusion-weighted, T2-weighted and FLAIR images are not meant to be used for advanced neuroimaging investigations. They were acquired to check the absence of conspicuos abnormalities at screening stage. High-resolution anatomical and diffusion-weighted images will be procided in the future. Regarding functional data, the file naming conventions is sub-XX_ses-YY_task-ZZZ_acq-AA_bold.nii.gz, where * XX is the subject id * YY is the session id * ZZZ is one of the twelve tasks used * 'AA' is either ap pa, corresponding to the phase encoding direction These fMRI files are provided together with sub-XX_ses-YY_task-ZZZ_acq-AA_events.tsv files, that describe the corresponding events. In the same folder, the 'ap' and 'pa' variant of a given acquisition are always found. the corresponding fiel maps are available in the fmap folder to correct distortions. test-retest or fixed effectsmodels can be computed across the corresponding data after suitable preprocessing. More information and material ============================= The functional protocols used can be dowloaded at: https://github.com/hbp-brain-charting/public_protocols Analysis scripts can be found at: https://github.com/hbp-brain-charting/public_analysis_code Contact ======= Bertrand Thirion, bertrand.thirion@inria.fr