README Over 100 Task fMRI Dataset by Tomoya Nakai and Shinji Nishimoto References: Nakai & Nishimoto (bioRxiv 2019, doi: Nakai & Nishimoto (Nature Communications 2020, doi: We measured brain activity using functional MRI while six subjects (“sub-01”, …, “sub-06”) performed 103 cognitive tasks. The entire folder consists of subject-wise subfolders (“sub-01”,…). Each subject’s folder contains the following subfolders: 1) anat: T1-weighted structural images 2) func: functional signals (multi-band echo-planar images) Each subject performed 18 runs consisting of 12 training runs and 6 test runs. The training and test data were assigned with the following notations: Training data: sub-0*_task-training_run-**_bold.json Test data: sub-0*_task-test_run-**_bold.json Each *_event.tsv file contains following information: ONSET: stimulus onset DURATION: stimulus duration TRIAL_TYPE: task type (out of 103 tasks) The analysis codes and preprocessed data that were used in the original article are available at Open Science Framework (OSF, ***Caution*** This dataset can be used for research purposes only. The data were anonymised, and users shall not perform analyses to re-identify individual subjects.