# Reconstructing Faces from fMRI Patterns using Deep Generative Neural Networks Data folder related to the paper: ["Reconstructing Faces from fMRI Patterns using Deep Generative Neural Networks"](https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.03856) by VanRullen & Reddy (2019) ### General: 4 participants participated in 8 (f)MRI sessions. Each of these 8 sessions consisted of between 11 and 14 runs. The stimuli folder contains the stimuli that were used on each trial (see description of Events.tsv below). The stimuli folder also contains a file called ImageNames2Celeba.txt, which links each stimulus with the original files in the celeba imageset. The derivatives folder : see the corresponding README file within the derivatives folder. ### The data folder for each participant is organized as follows: * sub/ses/anat: contains the T1 anatomical scans (defaced) for this session. Most anat folders contain one T1.nii.gz file. However, when a subject was taken out of the scanner and re-positioned during a session, a second T1 scan was performed. As a result the anat folder for this session will contain two T1.nii.gz files. Defacing was performed using Freesurfer's mri_deface (https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/mri_deface). * sub/ses/func/: contains the *_bold.nii.gz and *-events.tsv files for each experimental run. * Task Names for BOLD runs * Face task: This consists of the main task during which subjects viewed unique face images on each trial. * Localizer tasks: In addition, a few localizer runs were performed which consisted of blocks of faces and objects. * Events.tsv contains stimulus information for each run. * onset of each event * duration of each event. * For face tasks: * trial_type : "fix" (fixation trial), "train_face" (a face from the training set), "test_face" (a face from the test set), "img" (an imagery trial). * stimulus: path to the stimulus that was displayed. The stimuli used during the experiment are in the stimulus folder. * one_back: a code of 1 indicates that this was a one-back trial. * For localizer tasks: * trial_type : "fix", "face" or "object" blocks