{ "Name": "Feature Discrimination", "License": "This dataset is made available under the Public Domain Dedication and License \nv1.0, whose full text can be found at \nhttp://www.opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/. \nWe hope that all users will follow the ODC Attribution/Share-Alike \nCommunity Norms (http://www.opendatacommons.org/norms/odc-by-sa/); \nin particular, while not legally required, we hope that all users \nof the data will acknowledge the OpenfMRI project and Ian Ballard in any publications.", "Authors": [ "Ian C. Ballard", "Anthony D. Wagner", "Samuel M. McClure" ], "Acknowledgements": "", "HowToAcknowledge": "Please cite Ballard, I.C, Wagner, A.D., McClure, S.M. Hippocampal Pattern Separation Supports Reinforcement Learning.", "Funding": "NSF GRFP (ICB), NSF IGERT (ICB) and Stanford Innovation Grants (ICB)", "ReferencesAndLinks": [], "DatasetDOI": "10.18112/openneuro.ds001590.v1.0.1", "BIDSVersion": "1.1.1" }