This is a new version of the MyConnectome dataset (Poldrack et al., 2015). See for more information. This is a newly BIDS-ified version that replaces the original version (v00001) uploaded in 2018. Code used to perform conversion can be found at Some sessions were renamed from the previous datasets. The original acquisition sessions are labeled ses-003 through ses-107. All followup sessions have names tthat refer to the details of that session (regarding either time or location): - The session formerly labeled as ses-105 is now labeled ses-WashU - The session formerly labeled as ses-106 is now labeled ses-2015. - A mean field map (generated according to the methods outlined in the Laumann et al. paper) is now included as ses-meanfmap. ### Comments added by Openfmri Curators to previous version - need to be checked for this version General Comments ---------------- - The EchoTime and RepetitionTime values that appear in the .json values were taken from the dicom header printouts that are located in sourcedata. However, no units were provided and many of these seemed to be off by three decimals. Thus, we converted them between seconds and milliseconds according to our best judgement. Known Issues ------------ - The EchoTime and RepetitionTime for the images in this dataset, which were taken from the dicom headers (located in sourcedata) do not match those mentioned in the paper in all cases.