2.0.2 2023-03-19 - fix bval/bvec files for ses-2015 2.0.0 2023-03-15 - renamed datasets collected after the inital UT Austin acquisitions - Included newer datasets from 2017 and 2022 - included mean fieldmap (generated using same methods described in Laumann et al.) - - fixed intendedfor fields to use mean fieldmap for distortion correction 1.0.0 2021-11-03 - Completely re-BIDSified to fix many metadata issues with previous version 0.0.1 Initial data acquired TODOs: - verify and possibly extend information in participants.tsv (see for example http://datasets.datalad.org/?dir=/openfmri/ds000208) - fill out dataset_description.json, README, sourcedata/README (if present) - provide _events.tsv file for each _bold.nii.gz with onsets of events (see '8.5 Task events' of BIDS specification)